RIP Bill Delaney

Bill Delaney has passed away. He was in his early 70's.

Before his revered surf film Free Ride was released in 1977, Bill was influential in the surf community. Along with Bill Hubina, he co-invented Slipcheck. (He's credited with the name Slipcheck...which is nothing short of marketing genius.) Tom Morey brought their idea to the mass market in the mid-sixties, and helped define the end of the longboard era.

Bill also documented Tom Morey surfing at Stanleys in a pictorial in Surfer Magazine...reinforcing Morey's status as a stylish ride, and Stanleys as a significant small wave venue.

 RIP Bill...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I Slipchecked the whole deck, too. Wore out my wetsuit vest (winter attire in '66) and all my toenails from knee paddling--ouch!
Hey, isn't Stanley's always glassy in our memories (if you surfed it)? The reality was a bit different. But the glassy days.......