Dear Mr. Gross,
My name is Jacques Beriau. I shape
displacement hulls here in the great state of Rhode Island. I've been a
long time reader of your work via the blog and other media and have
learned a lot from your posts on swaylocks over the years.
been working on a few new models that I'd like to share with you and
thought the hull community may like to see and hear about them as
Inspired by the footage of Ryan Thomas
riding a GL Reef Smoothie in barreling beachbreak I designed a model
call the VH, for "Vinterhull". We have a similar wave here in town that
I kept outrunning on my twin fins. The VH is designed to roll in
early, hit the bottom, and be pulled back high and tight into the
pocket. With a 2 + 1 fin set foiled by Brad Heath from Sunrise
Boardworks I get a little extra bite of the bottom and a little more
drag to match the speed of the wave. I ride mine at 6'4" x 21 1/2" x 2
I've also been fine tuning a model I
call the "fishplacement hull". Lots of inspiration from Tim Bowler and
his work with flexible keel fin and hulled fish in this one. I can
share that model another time.
Thanks for all your work,