Soon Mr. Greenough. Soon.

Spoon soon.

By Mr. Loveslice

Heads up hull skulls!

I've (Ryan Lovelace) just launched a Kickstarter project in the hope of raising some money to build a collection of environmentally-friendly boards (........likley to be pretty hull-heavy...), the beautiful thing about the project though is that the profit from those boards will be donated to a well-deserving organization here in Santa Barbara that's trying to help ensure responsible use of the last remaining few miles of undeveloped coastline that southern California has.
If you've got a minute, any size donation and word spreading is extremely appreciated, this project has the potential to do a lot of good in a lot of different ways!

here's the project link, take a minute to read through the rewards for donations, you may just find something you need in there, including the same thing my parents got for christmas last year...stoked!

Ryan Lovelace Surf | Craft Kickstarter!

Technical Difficulties


8'0 Mini Limo and 5'11 Magician

Pics of boards here:
