Mystery V ...

Honolua Bay.  December, 1967.

After a stint on Oahu, the heavy hitters of the shortboard revolution -- Nat Young, Bob McTavish, and George Greenough -- turned up on Maui. The shutter-bug Witzig brothers were there as well, documenting the fermentation.

The stringerless, wide-backed, deep V's of McTavish and Young were sorely out of place on the North Shore...


 ...but on Maui, they found clean surf, better suited to their V's eccentric nature...


During that legendary, week-long session, Reno Abellira and Dick Brewer were there with longer (but infinitely more refined) semiguns.

Both Nat Young and Reno Abellira broke their respective boards early on. Nat repaired his and soldiered on...


..but Reno's longer Brewer pintail was toast, and he called it a session...

The next board that Reno would ride was a first-gen Brewer mini-gun. The shortboard took root in Hawaii, and the revolution was underway on an international level!

But that leaves a burning question....

Who's V-Bottom was this? Clearly not McTavish's or Young's. Maybe it belongs to one of the Witzigs???

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