From The 'Con


Here is some recent footage of Conner Coffin at Rincon.

 Noteworthy (to us) on a couple of points...

Conner waxes his traction pad. (Like, there wasn't enough grip back there already?)

There were a lot of single fins and hulls on the point, and presumably in the water.

The guy with the clear longboard was surfing without a wetsuit or leash.

According to the narrative, Conner had just gotten back from Hawaii, and was testing the black railed board for an upcoming trip to the Super Bank. This go out, apparently, was just a pit stop.

New, Old Transition Era Footage

From 1968.

I've never seen this footage before. Everything about it is pretty bad...the photography, the waves, the boards, and the surfing. But Lynch clearly had it together, and was way ahead of everyone else, including Nat Young.


From Tatsuo

This is pretty interesting...all things considered. Some nice moments.

From Ernie

Here'a clean transition era hull by Ernie Tanaka. Ernie was an unsung board builder working out of his shop in Van Nuys, California...not exactly a hotbed of surf energy.  (Not like nearby Woodland Hills, which boasted builders like Greg Liddle and Glenn Kennedy at that time, as well as home to the overtly commercial (and much maligned) surf gear outlet, Val Surf.

Nice Greenough Stage 4 fin, with the Variable Wave Set Fin System. It was no where near as good as Bill Bahne's "Fins Unlimited" box that came along in a year or two, but good for its time.

Want Your Cake And Eat It Too ???

Frustrated because you want a classic, carving V Bottom...and yet you like the occational tip ride was well?

Problem solved!

Without messing with the belly under the nose, this board's shaper dropped a couple of concaves out by the rail to facilitate nose riding...and he did it back in 1968.

What an inventive era that was...

From Skip

 A full-on cruiser from Skip Frye. It measures out to around 13'6'', 14'' x 25'' (+21") x 13''.

That wasn't a typo! The wide point is 21" ahead of center!!!

From Phil


A beautiful Phil Edwards semi-gun. 9'2'' x 21 3/4". Dated 1967. Check out the transition of the hull in the bottom pic!

From Jonathan

The little super 8 looking film of Greenough I've never seen.

Hope all is well!

8'3'' Hull FS


This is an 8'3'' PG hull built for Bryce Dewees. It's been ridden a handful of times, and has very minor deck dents, if any at all. (Pics were taken when it was new.)

Spence and I built him another one, totally bladed out. Spence has this one for sale. $650 takes it away. If interested, contact Spencer Kellogg at   profkrispy at yahoo dot com.


SOLD !!! 
SOLD !!!  
SOLD !!!

From Spencer

This is an 8'6'' Lynch double ender, crafted by Spencer Kellogg for Florian Morlat. Whew, bitchin' !