Mick and Francesco


Two interesting articles popped up recently, both dealing with the equipment restrictions professional athletes face. One relates to surfing, the other golf.

The difference is that golfers want to expand their club options to get better, while pro surfers are afraid to think outside the box for fear of being scored lower. (Ask iconoclasts like Tommy Curren and Cheyne Horan about that.)

What's interesting about Mick Fanning's transformation into an "experimental free surfer" is that pro surfing has presented itself as the undisputed leading edge of surf design for decades. And, at times, that's been true. But pro contests have long ago de-evolved into a cookie cutter factory of both boards and riding styles...to the point where judges are judged by their ability to agree with the consensus of the other judges. Not exactly a petri dish for progressive thought, is it?

Another Nail In Surfing's Coffin ???

The first ocean wave to be favorably judged by a comparing it to an artifical wave.  You were warned!


Who Needs Waco When You Have This Wedge?

Ventura goes artificial

Just when you thought you might have to head to the center of Texas for machine-like wedges, up pops this little emerald number in Ventura. Offering all sorts of Sebastian Inlet-like teepees and ramps and strange tube sections, it’s a playground of a wave, wherever it is.


From GL

Spence and Paul,

2-3 ft. waves today at "A" Beach on my new 8'8''.

Yes, Paul, the fin at 12" was hard to paddle straight and pearled. I moved it back to 10 1/2" up (1/2" fwd. of the first position) and got some good waves. Didn't seem to have the same drive, but it may have been the difference in conditions and spots.  It still feels sticky on turn backs, so I'll move it to 11" Saturday when I surf again. I've got to say, it's getting me in the water!

I tried a sideways takeoff a couple of times and almost made them, something impossible on a thruster. I used to do them on my single fins, made about 30%.
Thanks again, both of you!


From KP


We just scanned the Bondo Bullit that Matt M. owned...which was one of Greg’s personal boards. It came out really nice. Seems like one of your old boards to my eye.

7’2” n. 19 1/8" w. 23” t. 15” th 3 1/8"


Inspired By Pranaglider

Pursuant to Pranaglider's post on the VW as one of the stellar surf vehicles, here, I found some pics online of said vehicle with boards relevant to this blog...

George Leone Goes Old School

8'8'' round tail sorta-semi-gun hull...with orange deck panels!