New Hull For George Leone

I drew up the cut file, Spencer Kellogg is going to sand it out, and George is going to glass it himself. Probably a 1 + 2 fin setup...


  1. pics of the fins or it didn't happen...

    really nice board BTW, makes me want to stand up

    Personally I think it was a mistake to trade the carve

    for the snap

  2. When I made a 6' 1" thruster in '81 I was subconsciously resisting the snap. I shaped a vee in the nose (hullish) and kept moving the fins forward, eventually going to Bobby Owens "Boomerang" fins. (More hullishness) Now I realize that I was trying to find the "carve" sensation and use the length of the rail to drive the turns. When I bought a VHS tape of "Innermost Limits" a number of years later, I was puzzled by a sense of familiarity with the surfing. I finally figured out what the familiar sense was about. Those Aussies were surfing off of their front foot, engaging the rail line!
    I can't wait to ride this shape! George aka Speedshaper

    Once you carve, the snap pales to insignificance.
