Stringerless Sunday


Obviously, any board can beak in half. But this "before and after" sequence of Nat Young in Hawaii in 1967 reveals an often-reinforced truth...stringerless boards are more prone to breakage.

In the case of Nat's board, the structure of the deep V stiffened the back half to the point where it shifted the flex forward, resulting in the broken nose...

Mark Martinson on the North Shore, with a beautiful Harbour stringerless pintail. Same result...

Even in small So Cal surf, the fate of these lively beasts is often carved in foam before they hit the water. Sooner or later...

Someone once told me* that boards work best just before they break. If that's true, then stringerless boards just hasten the process. Are they worth the hassle? Yes...but you need to go into the relationship knowing that a nasty breakup is inevitable!

* (I don't remember if it was Tony Staples or KP, but I'm pretty sure it was a goofy foot.)

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