Jimmy Lucas ...

During the transition era, Jimmy Lucas stayed under the media radar, but a few images of him surfaced...not to mention raves from surfers who saw his laser beam runs across Hanalei Bay.

Here's some grainy footage of Lucas on a narrow hull at Haleiwa. It's from Fred Windisch's The Natural Art. A few nice bursts of tracking speed.

This balsa Channin/Diffenderfer island hull may be the most beautiful surfboard ever made!


  1. Anybody have a copy of The Natural Art? That movie explored the possibilities of surfing like no other at the time. If you know where I can get a copy shoot me an email. Gracias!

  2. It's available online, google it. Around 25. bucks.
    I'd love to see it too, apparently there's big OB footage.

  3. Thanks T'd B ! You're the Beast! ...er, Best!
