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Dearest Hullheads,

          I wish I was away on a surf trip, dining on remote point breaks, taking artsy pictures, eating delicious food, drinking local spirits, loving foreign women, yadda, yadda, and song...
My fantasy would include a crew of my most stoked amigos, some fine sleds and unlimited access to the world, the hearts of those we encounter... and sunscreen. Sound familiar?
          The best I've been able to muster as of late is a compound of hours on AKU, staring at curves and mind surfing them.  Thanks to a stoked few, I've been able to fund some more builds recently and to them I am grateful.  There are some more boards in the works finally and I'm back in the water, so happy about that. The Aqua Phurba project has been a shoot from the hip affair from the very beginning and I can't thank enough all of those involved. I really appreciate you all, helping me, guiding me, offering encouragement, criticism and praise.
          Displacementia has become exactly what I envisioned. I'm so happy to see the sharing and involvement by enthusiasts and legends. Thank you. Please keep sharing the esoteric stoke! I'd like to remind anyone that they can be an author, just follow the link to the right and you're in. May you all find textured long waves, trim and clean speed runs...


art by: Nick Eliopolous