VEGA 58tt


  1. I hope you saved that little'd be interesting to ride the board with the swallow for a while, then tack in the wedge to see what difference it made.

    I've always wanted to do that to one of my old hulls at their retirement party. But when I'd have the saw out and put the teeth on the dotted line, I couldn't will myself to do it...

  2. Thank you Gents.
    That 6'8 is gonna be really red.
    Really nice blank Spence, thanks again. LoVe the Stringer!
    Lee, the split tail (I hope) will make things a little smoother off the bottom and the top. I'm hoping there's enough area in the tails and foam (Sdeck) to compensate for the loss of area between. I didn't save the wedge! I realize I've left convention but the super stubs really break a lot of the rules already! Longer hulls don't need any type of split tail IMO. This board's predecessor is in a couple of the photos above (Arrow board). I have NO clue on how this one will go but I've tried to improve on the previous design with minor changes to belly, volume, and planshape width. These super stubby designs are the fastest I've experienced. Most thrilling ride to date was on a 5'10 Liddle Burrito Deluxe. That board didn't need a split in the tail! I very curious to see what happens! Hail Liddle.
