Youtube Bite

More digs. How bout that collision???!!!

Dug up, diggin in.

Found this browsing around, I think Randy Wright took the photo. Looks like Miles T. gettininit. Is that the infamous yellow hull?

Moments in movement

Ian Z


Ryan C

me (whore)

Ryan C

These moments go by so fast, slowing them down to a still is an effective means to appreciate those moments again.

Finless Perfection

Mr. Warmjet in trim on a 7'4" PG designed Spence hull, "THE BLADERUNNER". It works finless pretty good, no?

Mr. Smooth

Ryan Conder gets a taste of the smoothie. He like.

Shot by WarmJet

Spechull Delivery

I was minding my own business, not bothering anyone and not saying anything. Yeah, I wanted another hull, but I decided restraint in my board-buying problem would be the better part of valor. Then PG told me he'd shaped a hull for someone and that the guy didn't want it. He offered to let me buy it. Can you believe I hesitated before saying "yes"? Thankfully, I came to my senses rather quickly. I've had her for about two weeks. I finally got hold of a PG Nine Inch Nail fin for her. It is so on now!!!