QQ on a KJ

Miles T stoked at first. Looks like a Siglo. Nice BT Miles!

QQ on a KJ from Vyusher La Kali on Vimeo.


  1. I hope Miles doesn't take this wrong...34 sec. to 39 sec.; absolutely one of the nicest railers on film. By anyone. Period. That is what is it all about.

    Put three or four of those back to back instead of the hippity hoppity and Mr. Thompson can take his place in the Hull of Fame...

  2. i feel the same Lee but insidewash is what it is ... flapping and humping instead of staying low, i opted for a longer faster ride - i had 3 really wide deep faces to myself yesterday afternoon and the lines progression grew in matching proportion with my smiles while drawing them - it takes a rattling sidewinder to tickletummy a hull just so - it'll do it alone on the best wave going left or right but placement timing set setting - thank you LeeV .... oh Malibu
