Lazy trimming on a 6'3 "Musko"

Muskos are great stubbies, they really shine when the waves are nice and big. They can also do some good ole trimmin when things get really small. This was shot aboard WarmJet's yellow and original "Musko".

Splashes... from Vyusher La Kali on Vimeo.

Bu hulling

Warm Jet and P-38

Eric Gross and Bojorquez

Slick Rick

It's one thing to acquire a board from a master shaper. Things are pretty much cut and dry, I can be confident that the board is going to be a solid investment and perform to the bar, and of course there are some magic ones too. All of the history and work that led up to the moment I surf the first wave on a Liddle means a lot to me and I treasure it every time. It becomes a special thing when a shaper that's not as widely known hits pay dirt and shapes a magic one. What's a magic board? One that gives me everything I want and surprises me with more when I'd least expect it to...

6'5.5" by Ian Zamora

justin on a mandala 6'8" tri-plane hull.

Has being a hullmo gone to far???

I don't quite get it, but the board looks insane!!

O Keyo

Sapped off of Swaylock's "The Stubbie photo thread". Click title for thread link and the rest of the pics. Enjoy, O Keyo?

More Merrier!


Be sure to drop by the Hilbers' and Putnam blogspot for their latest...

R E P H U L L M E N !!!

Who's is this?

Claim your ride...

Dims, story...